Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21, 2009 pm

We visited with Steve in the hospital today. He is feeling better and his temperature is lower but he is still very tired. He appreciates everyone wanting to stop in and see him but because he is still Neutropenic, (suseptible to virus, bactieria, etc) it will be best to just call for now. He will be in this state for a while longer. We will let everyone know when this stage is over.


  1. hi son,we love you & pray you get to go home soon. there is a lot of positive energy focused on you,friends,family & prayer chains. looks like the fever is comming down.happy to hear you tomoorrow. love you. dad & cc

  2. Hi Honey,
    I'm so sorry you're back in that hospital. I am surrounding you in love and light and prayers. I hope you are blessed with rest and peace and as much laughter as you can tolerate.
    I love you dearheart,
    cousin Dorothy

  3. Hey man, we can break you out...just give us the sign. (You know, the bat signal out the hospital window?) We'll come in late at night dressed in black.
    That's what you always wanted to see right? A bunch of middle aged people in black spandex?
    We're praying hard dude, keep fightin!!

  4. January 24, 2009 2:31PM
    Hi Steve!
    How's my #1 son??!!
    looking forward to seeing you again next weekend. Kraig is driving. We'll stay w/Mark & Sue. A friend who attends a church of 5,000 members are all praying for you. She also called tv's "700 Club" for extra measure. Keep up the good fight, Honey..I love you so very much, Mom.

  5. Hi Bro,
    I remember when I had a little sliver in my finger and I was #1 son..... I just don't think that I can top what you did to re-gain status. I guess I'll have to settle on being #1 brother!!!!I'll see you soon Steve,love Mark
    p.s. Please update your blog,sounds as if your still in the hospital.
