Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21, 2009

Steve has been very tired and is continueing chemo. The out-patient treatments are 2 or more days per week. They are also trying to build up his blood, at which time he will spend 4 days in the hospital receiving more chemo.

On Tuesday after treatment, Steve's temperature spiked and he is now in the hospital where they can monitor him. He must have no fever for a 24 hour period before he can be released.


  1. Steve and Mena and girls... just want you to know how much ilove you and am praying for you all every single day.... hang in there Steve and just know we are all here for you... just wanted to let you know that Kevin gave blood last week at his work... take care and my prayers are with you... i love you!!!

  2. Steve, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and Mindi, as are all of us here at the Showroom. You've had a bunch of rough days and that just sucks. We're really looking forward to you coming back to work part-time, so keep up the fight, YOU WILL BEAT THIS STUPID THING. Love you, Beth P.S. I'd give blood if they'd let me.

  3. Steve, it's Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Al again. We have been keeping up with your progress on your blog. Thanks for having one. We are happy to hear of your good days and hope you have more real soon. Our prayers are with you. Keep strong. Lots of love to you and your family.
